Monday, November 9, 2009

Being prepared for take-off!

Yes, I was apprehensive.  Yes, my face was as white as a sheet.  Yes, I have a fear of heights.  But I also believe that every opportunity that presents itself in life, you should take advantage of while you can.  You never know what tomorrow can bring.  In this case, I was able to enjoy this experience as a lovely birthday gift from my son.
I was afraid mainly of two things - the taking off and the landing.  These were alien experiences to me and I had nothing to reference them against.  So it was a bit of fear of the unknown but I was assured I was in the best hands I could be - Roland, the Tandem Pilot - and I was.  (Roland and his wife Kristy can be contacted on their website).  Besides which, this was something I really wanted to do the more I contemplated it ...

 Some last words of encouragement from Roland and his friend and Kristy his wife helps with my harness and straps around the legs

The point of no return - ha-ha!  Nicholas looks on at Mom

 Seconds from take-off - being hitched to the Tandem Pilot (Roland)

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